de stelling/FRAMED


Bart & Klaar were invited to repeat the performance on sunday evening in the Oude Kerk in the centre of Amsterdam where an Allsouls celebration is held.
Big was their surprise to hear some hours before the opening that their work was removed.
Appearantly the director of the Oude Kerk didn t agree and had their work removed.
The news was brought to them by the reverent of the Oude Kerk who apologized for these proceedings. Up till now it is unclear whether the decision was based on artistic criteria or on a conflict between the organising comittee and the director.
In an installation with old welding masks and a bright light, Bart en Klaar read out and noted the names of the ships build on the wharf and now gone. As well they commemorated the workers killed during their work. In the early years of the shipyard some three victims per finished ship.
wat is er TE ZIEN/ TE DOEN?
but same work removed from  OUDE KERK!
Night of the dead SUCCES!
check out
Voor ons is het project van kennis delen ook een onderzoek. Wat werkt, wat werkt niet.

We proberen bij de inrichting van de stelling het plan proces in stappen te herhalen.

week 1: alleen beeld
week 2: de eerste text
week 3: beeld en geluid


Bart & Klaar are perplexed by this:
'if you don't like the work, fine! But tell us and let us explain what our motives are. At least have the courtesy to tell us directly. If indeed there is an authority based conflict, don't take it out on the artist. The thing that hurts us most is that we didn't get the chance to show our performance or present our work properly.
It is in a way a wry comment on the current topic in de stelling/ Framed: where do you belong.

socratisch gesprek op
11 november 13.00 hr
o.l.v Karel van Haaften
kijk 2 november 23.50 op de EO:
dood voor beginners
Night of the Dead, initiated and organised by Hetty van Bommel and crew, was celebrated this year for the third time and it was a success. The atmosphere was great. Lots of beatiful things going on. It felt like Home.

On the NIGHT OF THE DEAD, 1 november, Bart _ Klaar did a well appreciated performance next to the crane.
First Le Roy quote up
Today the first quote of Louis g. Le Roy finally made it to the stelling. It is the first text as text. For the quote itself.
First Sound /Vision link
Our dear friend and talented movie maker Bram de Waard has honoured us with a cinegraphic portrait. Here are some Teasers!
SOON New Art Object by Residents
Beautiful pictures of the performance by Sarah Payton. Thanks Sarah
New Art Objects: FIRE
In the story line HOME_FIRE we have 2 new entries: the old fire barrel that has been in use now for years. And a very special one, used only once a year for the night of the dead, especially designed by Marco Broeders.
Thus linking the old and the new.
Thanks Hetty van Bommel, organizing force behind the night of the dead, for making this possible.
New Art Objects: SHELTER
As well we added the moveable two seated shelter by artist Rob Vrijen. Reminding us of seaside transport and fast food restaurants at the same time. It flirts with the safety of the home and the anxiety of mobility.
Mapping the project: John Lewis Marshall
Mapping the project: New Philippes
We are honoured that international photographer John Lewis Marshall has made a beautifull overview of the project so far.
We will share the results with you soon !
Enjoy the new pictures of Philippe Vélez McIntyre.

sat 15 nov 11-14 hours
coffee, meet & greet
# 1 sense of place

marco broeders
The joy of minds meeting
Today we had a beautifull meeting of the minds. Topic was 'to belong'. Many wise and moving things were shared. More on this soon. We love to share!

Die Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Brandenburg thematisiert Kunst und Kultur als Ausdrucksform gesellschaftlicher Selbstverständigung. Kunst ist kein einmaliges Bedürfnis, sondern ist Bestandteil unserer alltäglichen gesellschaftlichen Praxis. Insbesondere die Auseinandersetzung mit zeitgenössischer Kunst und Formen kultureller Teilhabe prägen unsere Bildungsarbeit in diesem Schwerpunkt.
tuesday 25 nov students of UVA will visit de stelling/FRAMED. You're welcome to join!
new text objects
meeting with director oude kerk on the eviction of our work
what's this all about? READ TEXT
On Saturday we were happy to greet small crowd of afficonados. According to the enthusiastic reactions they were pleasantly surprised with the work. The only reprimand we got that we were planning to take it down allready. 'More people need to see this.Too few people are aware that it is here at all.'
As well we were urged to video the tour, as it is a not to be missed added quality.
So taken the comments to heart we have planned an extra tour and will seek media attention.

pictures & blog
In line with the new subject SENSE OF IDENTITY we will report to you on the proces of city making as we see it happening close by. Check the blog now!
From spontaneity to control in 1 easy step...
small losses
Mysteriously some objects disappeared from the stelling.
First: the sign from the series on property saying USER.

And the little plate saying: your home is worth gold.
No problem..
We made a replacement sign and a replica of the plate...
STAR appearance on symposium on creative industry: ode to creativity
from wednesday 26th of nov. on we'll be filling the stelling with stories on identity
We left you when the users of this free zone refused to be deterred by danger signs or fences.
Well, their victory was short lived. Look at the next move in the match State vs Bottom Up appropriation
new imagery on!
saturday 13th of december 11.30 & 13.00 the next tour of the new Sense of Identity stelling.

You're welcome to join!
Interesting cooperation with philippe velez mc intyre on EPTG 2014 conference
New stories on identity. What is the identity of a place. Who determines how it changes. How does reality link to the 'image'. Look at our take on things and check the stories...
ABout last week..
- visiting the presentation of the New Wibaut as part of the plans for the future of NDSM.
- taking part as artist-investigator in the European Play Back Conference. Theme: How to use Play Back theatre for active citizenship
- new images going up
- flue
New Philippe's on BLOG
new flag will be hoisted
On saturday 13th also the new flag ceremony will be practised.
A new flag will be hoisted accompanied by a specially composed NDSM drum roll.

The design of the flag will be based on the numbering of the ships build on the NDSM shipyard.
new flag!
A New flag! HOW? try morse code for NDSM....
This could also be the basis for the new NDSM drum roll... Curious what the sounds like? Try here....
the viewing..............
Very nice viewing last saturday 13th of december. The new stories and entries were much appreciated by a interested crowd. Hanneke de Muncks 'Muse' was commented on very positively.
Also the first result of the project Verf van de Werf (Dyed by NDSM) of Gusta van Eyck was presented.
A Big piece of cotton dyed with locally harvested birch leaves. Gusta explained the dyeing process and the importance of keeping nature intact on the NDSM. 'With all the renovations going on there's the risk of over doing the New and forgetting the Good Old!' Gusta stated.
The guided tour continued with an animated discussion on how to realize both goals at the same time and if this was possible at all.
For more pics and info: verf van de werf
Verf van de Werf (Dyed by NDSM) of Gusta van Eijk was presented.
Check out our flag project !
We hope you will be part of this:

final tour Last tour of de stellling/FRAMED part 3 sense of heritage.

Screening of NDSM related footage: people at work, protesting, building, creating...

best wishes & keep it radical!

fuck you killers!
crying and outraged

“The only way to abolish war is to make peace seem heroic.”

― John Dewey

walking dialogue Combination of a walk and a philosophical conversation about what you see in relation to more abstract notions. In Dutch
We're not the only ones thinking de stelling is cool!
Last thursday it was the stage for a music video for the song Locked Out . According to the director the scene rocked!
looking forward to:


And coming soon: 
NEXT LOCATION of de stellling/FRAMED....

Building signs as well being moved: coincidence or serendipity
finally.................TAKING DOWN THE HOUSE!
Today we took down the first half of the stelling...
still to enjoy:

final presentation of de stellling/FRAMED # 3:
sense of heritage the social struggle

Closing date depending on the renovation work planned by the municipality.

6-15 maart

across the street of de slang: student protest against the university of amsterdam turning into a real estate business

gentrification touches everybody

sad occasion,
but great evening at the slang!

Na de laatste stelling/FRAMED, juni 2015, was er direct het verlangen te continueren. Het bij elkaar brengen van verschillende verhaallijnen uit de ruimtelijke planning en corporate en menselijke geschiedenis was niet alleen fascinerend, het gaf ook nieuwe inzichten. Onderzoek en empathie gaan een vruchtbaar huwelijk aan. Het formaat, 60 meter lang, 6 meter hoog is natuurlijk een kracht, maar ook een limiet. Daarom denken we meteen aan een draagbare versie.
Philippe McIntyre , de fotograaf waarmee we tijdens de stelling hebben samengewerkt, heeft de eerste aanzet gegeven met de eerste versie van de 'stelling in a valise”. Vrij naar Marcel Duchamp heeft hij beelden samengebracht in een doos met verschillende niveaus. Zo kun je steeds nieuwe combinaties maken.
Bij de brainstorm wordt besloten er ook kleine stellingen bij te maken. Zo kan het al associërend met beeld een onderdeel worden van socratische gesprekken en open ontmoetingen..
Of het model van de stelling 3d printen of knutselen wordt is nog onderdeel van discussie.


Het ontwerp van Henk Schut wordt gehesen.
Het zijn seinvlaggen met als boodschap:
Stop, Ben in nood, Wil communiceren.......